The Neck Pull
The Neck Pull is an advancement of the Roll Up. I know that this exercise is called the Neck Pull, but please do not pull on your neck! Gently cradle your head in your hands while performing this exercise.
Benefits of the Neck Pull
- Strengthens abdominals
- Improves core and scapular stability
- Makes your feel like a badass
Performing the Neck Pull
- Lie on your back.
Start by lying on your back.
- Gently cradle your head for support.
Find a neutral pelvis and interlock your hands behind your head and gently cradle your head for support. Make sure you can see your elbows in your peripheral vision.
- Extend your legs and flex your feet.
Extend your legs out on the mat, about sit bones distance apart and flex your feet with your toes pointed towards the ceiling.
- Curl up…
Inhale to prepare and then exhale as you lift and curl your head up off the mat and begin peeling your spine off the mat one vertebra at a time (just like we do in the Roll Up!).
- … and over your legs.
Unlike in the Roll Up where you come to a seated position, you should continue to roll all the way forward so that you’re curling over your legs.
- Curl back to a seated position.
Inhale, and then exhale as you come back up, this time to a seated position with a nice tall spine.
- Hinge back and then articulate down to the mat.
Inhale and then exhale as you hinge back with a flat back until you really feel your abs kick on. At that point, begin curling your tailbone under, finding that c-curve in your spine, and roll back down to the mat one vertebra at a time.
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Modifications for the Neck Pull
- I would suggest mastering the Roll Up before even trying the Neck Pull as the Neck Pull is more advanced and requires more abdominal strength given the positioning of your hands.
Tips for Success
- I sound like a broken record, but master the Roll Up before attempting the Neck Pull.
- Do not actually pull on your neck when doing this movement.
- Do not use momentum to pull you up from your mat. Use those abs!